Talk by Anders Nykjær at event hosted by Vartovs Videnskab

On 23rd of February 2018, PROMEMO Center Leader Anders Nykjær gave a talk on memory at an event hosted by Vartovs Videnskab in Copenhagen. 

Vartovs Videnskab frequently host events in the name of science and on the 23rd of February 2018 the topic was the brain and memory and questions  such as: Why do we remember certain things and why do we not always remember the same things? were answered. 

The event was divided into two parts, during the first of which Anders Nykjær talked about emotional memory, deleted memory, and about people who cannot forget. 

Second part of the event focused on the visualization of memory by Professor and Neuroscientist Albert Gjedde from the Department of Neurobiology and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen.

Both talks were recorded by Vartovs Videnskab and it is linked below. 

Talk by Anders Nykjær recorded by Vartovs Videnskab