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PROMEMO aims to identify and understand the function of memory-associated proteins that determines the persistence of a memory.
Switching memory "on" and "off" - generation and removal of an associative memory by changing synaptic strength (inducing LTD and LTP).
Spanning cutting-edge techniques in proteomics, complex structural biology, optogenetic memory engineering, electrophysiology, and high-resolution brain imaging.
New review by PROMEMO-affiliated researcher Tomonori Takeuchi and colleagues. "Novelty and Dopaminergic Modulation of Memory Persistence: A Tale of…
The article was published on November 7 in Neuron - Cell Press - “Dendritic Inhibition in Layer 1 Cortex Gates Associative Memory” and discusses novel…
Max Gubert Olivé is a new research assistant in Anders Nykjær lab and he will be assisting Alena Salasova in her work. He will study developmental…
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