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PROMEMO aims to identify and understand the function of memory-associated proteins that determines the persistence of a memory.
Switching memory "on" and "off" - generation and removal of an associative memory by changing synaptic strength (inducing LTD and LTP).
Spanning cutting-edge techniques in proteomics, complex structural biology, optogenetic memory engineering, electrophysiology, and high-resolution brain imaging.
Welcome to Sarah Desmettre - a new student in Nykjær Lab. Sarah will investigate the molecular mechanisms by which SorCS2 influences cerebellar…
With this honorable title comes a grant of DKK 6,095,007, distributed over four years, which Sadegh Nabavi will use to delve deeper into the neural…
Sadegh Nabavi continues as PROMEMO Group Leader and Associate Professor at Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University until 2027.
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Are you looking for a Bachelor, Master or PhD project within neuroscience? Then join the DANDRITE Encounters and get inspiration and insights on…
See list of past events