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PROMEMO aims to identify and understand the function of memory-associated proteins that determines the persistence of a memory.
Switching memory "on" and "off" - generation and removal of an associative memory by changing synaptic strength (inducing LTD and LTP).
Spanning cutting-edge techniques in proteomics, complex structural biology, optogenetic memory engineering, electrophysiology, and high-resolution brain imaging.
Group Leader Magnus Kjaergaard submitted an article to Videnskab.dk via ForskerZonen.
The Brain Prize for 2018 is awarded to Bart De Strooper, Michel Goedert, Christian Haass, and John Hardy for their groundbreaking research on the…
Nabavi lab received 2,000,000 DKK from Lundbeckfonden & NIH BRAIN Initiative for the project “Independent optical excitation of overlapping neural…
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